Shows the stack of the current thread.
: Displays the first three arguments passed to each stack entry.
: Displays more information including the name and type of the parameters for each stack entry.
Shows all threads, the current been debugging thread will have a dot
ahead like the thread 2
shown below.
0:002> ~
0 Id: 5a0.1f8 Suspend: 1 Teb: 7ffdd000 Unfrozen
1 Id: 5a0.158 Suspend: 1 Teb: 7ffdc000 Unfrozen
. 2 Id: 5a0.b28 Suspend: 1 Teb: 7ffdb000 Unfrozen
We can use ~*kb
(or ~*kp
) to enumerate all threads and print their stack trace information.
I guess s
might be interpreted as set current thread
or swith to
This command will set the x
thread as the current thread, where x
is the thread num such as the 0
and 2
Please not the x
is not the thread id (TID). Anyway we can use ~~[TID]s
to switch by the TID
. What should be noted is that the []
is indispensable.
I guess it means go
which instructs WinDbg to continue run after a breakpoint reached.
Shows the CPU time of all threads. It’s useful to troubleshoot infinite loops and performance issues.
0:004> !runaway
User Mode Time
Thread Time
2:7b0 0 days 0:00:20.203
0:790 0 days 0:00:00.015
4:eb8 0 days 0:00:00.000
3:8a4 0 days 0:00:00.000
1:648 0 days 0:00:00.000
It shows the user mode time by default with an option to display kernel time and time since creation. The parameter could be 1
or a combination of these three.
shows user mode time2
shows kernel mode time4
shows the time since the creation of the thread.- We can
the above options to show a combined result, e.g!runaway 7
will show all the kinds of time because7
can be used to load symbols for modules, but usually I will use ld *
to list all modules.
Displays symbols that match the specified pattern
Shows the address of a function, e.g the address of printf
is 77bd27c2
(maybe different on your computer.):
x msvcrt!printf
77bd27c2 msvcrt!printf = <no type information>
We can use wildcard with this command to list all the function/symbol from a specific dll e.g. x msvcrt!*
ln address
tries to display symbols around the address
dv /i/t/V
shows the variables on the current stack frame.
see the document for details about the parameters.
Enumerates all the local variables in the current stack frame.
!for_each_frame dv
Enumerates all stack frames and print the local variables.
Dissembles from an address
usage: u StartAddress LLength
, e.g.
u 0040ff12 L100
Shows the memory and tries to display the symbols.
usage: dds StartAddress LLength
dds 0040ff12 L20
s -a
with the switcher -a
can searches a string in the memory
usage: s -a StartAddress LLength TheStringToSearch
s -a 0040ff12 L999999 “the string”
切换栈帧, 先用 kb/knL 将栈帧都打印出来, 再用 .frame 切换之.
.frame 5
dt pObject
shows the type of pObject
and its member variables.
dt address CMyClass
interprets the address as a pointer to an object of CMyClass and display the information of the object.
Sets a memory breakpoint at the given address.
e.g1 break whenever the first 4 bytes of the buffer changed. r4
means read 4 bytes.
ba r4 MyExe!buffer
e.g2 break whenever the first 4 bytes of the buffer changed. w4
means write 4 bytes.
ba w4 MyExe!buffer
The MyExe!buffer
can be an address as well.
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